*pics posted with my husband's consent ;) he's so cute!
You know how I was supposed to go to
Renegade SF last weekend? If you follow my
twitter, you may have known that didn't end up happening. What did happen was around 1am on Friday, well, technically Saturday - Nick started getting bad pains in his stomach and so we decided to go to the ER.
Our original plan was to leave for SF at around 8pm, get there by 4am and sleep for a couple hours. Instead, we came up with a weird/crazy plan of going to sleep early at 8pm, waking up at 2am and driving to SF to arrive in time to set up for the show. The 2nd plan was crazy but I know the Lord was really watching over us through it. If we had left at 8, we would have been on the road when Nick's stomach started hurting. and I wouldn't have known where to take him!
Anyway, they released us from the ER at around 4am and Nick said he was feeling better and that we should still go to SF. I really wanted to go but I was concerned about him. We prayed about it and I just felt like we needed to stay. At 7am, Nick's stomach pains were back and they were worse. We went back to the ER and they gave him a CT. It turned out he had a bowel obstruction. I hear these are quite common but his pain was really awful. He was throwing up and it seemed like the pain would never end.
We were praying praying praying. I asked friends + family for prayers. Praying for Nick to feel better, praying that he didn't need surgery. By Sunday he was feeling better and they kept us in for observation. We got discharged yesterday afternoon and I was so glad for my husband to be home.
So we thought we were going to have an adventure in SF, we ended up having a hospital adventure instead. It was a long hard weekend. But I am grateful Nick is better. I've never seen him in so much pain before. Thank you to friends + family who prayed for him. The Lord is good and I believe He really watched over us through this entire situation. Sorry to anyone who came out to Renegade, I got some emails + tweets about it. I was bummed about not being able to make it to SF but of course my husband's health comes first. My aunt said that there will be many craft shows, but I only have 1 Nick ;) so true.