
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter:

I realized I never posted any pics from our honeymoon! Not sure if you knew we went to the Harry Potter theme park in Florida. Well, it's not a whole theme park, it's a section within Universal Studios Orlando. But it was amazing!!
So you first enter into Hogsmeade and see the train station. Nick and I were so overwhelmed by the total awesome-ness of it all. It's like the books came to life for us! (Cute vintage luggage right?)
Honeydukes candy shop. Yum!
hehe, he's so cute ;)
Hogwarts! So legit.
Zonko's joke shop!
They also had Ollivanders, The Owl Post & we ate at The Three Broomsticks. We had butterbeer and pumpkin juice, yum! Well, Nick liked butterbeer better than I did. It was interesting. We went on The Dragon Challenge and Harry Potter & the Forbidden Journey, it was intense! Totally had to close my eyes ;)
and guess what? When we were walking through Hogwart's, they had different rooms and displays set up and I totally saw a few of the exact same props/decorations I had at my wedding! Remember I posted some inspiration boards and mentioned some sort of Harry Potter decor. That made me happy :) It would have been awesome to have been the set decorator for this theme park. They had a lot of vintage/antique market finds in the shop displays too, so fun!
The pictures just don't do the park justice. You really have to go for yourself if you're a fan of Harry Potter.
Then we went on a cruise around the Bahamas, but my battery was low. (what was I thinking not bringing my charger?) so I busted out the good old disposable camera for the rest of the time. The cruise was nice and relaxing and fun! The theme park was definitely the highlight of the trip though, and Nick talked about wanting to go back to Hogwarts throughout our whole cruise ;)

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